Event & Competition Rules
General Event Rules
If you will not be attending due to illness, injury, or another reason you believe warrants a refund, email westieremixhd@gmail.com using “Refund Request” in the subject line. We will review each refund request on a case by case basis. NO refunds will be issued for scratched contest entries, NO EXCEPTIONS.
All event attendees must read and sign the Waiver at the time of check-in.
This is your ticket and MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. Each attendee will be given only one wristband for the duration of the entire weekend event.
Code of Conduct
All attendees are expected to adhere to our published code of conduct. The event directors and staff reserve the right to remove anyone who is a potential harm, danger or disruption to themselves or anyone else in attendance.
Each event participant (competitors and non-competitors) under the age of 18 must have a chaperone for the entire length of the event. The chaperone will be responsible for supervising the minor at all times, on and off site.
Event Seating
All seating at the event is open seating (tables and chairs) EXCEPT for the area reserved for Event Staff. PLEASE DO NOT SIT IN THAT AREA AT ANY TIME IF YOU ARE NOT AN EVENT STAFF MEMBER. You will be asked to move. You may sit in any chair in the ballroom, but you may not “reserve” your own seats, by putting your stuff on those chairs for the entire weekend. Please do not stand by the doors (do not block the doors) at any time. Also, do not stand anywhere that blocks the view of others seated behind you.
Video Recording and Photography
Any attendee is welcome to record videos and take pictures throughout the event, but we ask that you request permission from those you are recording first. For reasons of safety, proprietary value, and many more, someone may not want you to record them or may ask that your recordings not be shared or posted publicly. Please respect these boundaries and feel encouraged to set your own. The event has professional photographers and videographers on staff. If you would not like your image taken or used by the event, please let us know at check-in.
Food & Drink
OUTSIDE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE BALLROOM. This is a regulation set by the venue and may result in legal action. There will be a wine and beer cash bar on site Friday and Saturday evenings. Please drink legally and responsibly, if you so choose. The event directors and staff reserve the right to remove anyone who is a potential harm, danger or disruption to themselves or anyone else in attendance. Other food and beverages are okay to bring into the venue, but please keep them at the tables and off the dance floor.
Be on time. Late entry is disruptive and highly discouraged.
For leveled workshops, attend the level you meet the requirements for, based on your WSDC points. If you believe you belong in a higher level than your points reflect, submit an online petition form by midnight, Saturday, May 11, which is the end of the day Friday, May 10, to request participation in the higher level workshops. All petitions will be reviewed at the event by a panel of at least 3 judges (including the chief judge). Decisions will be announced individually.
Each instructor may give you permission to record a short summary of the workshop at the end. You must ask the instructors approval for each workshop if you would like to record, audio or video, beyond the summary.
Competition Rules
General Competition
Competitors are to dance in the appropriate skill level division, according to the rules below. Event Directors and the head judge reserve the right to move entries to more appropriate divisions or to reject entries inappropriate for any of our divisions.
Competitors are encouraged to contact the Head Judge for guidance.
Contests will be scored using danceconvention.net scoring system and relative placement.
Each contestant must sign the appropriate waiver form. All contestants under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign any required forms.
WRHD is open to persons of any gender dancing either lead or follow, as they prefer, and we encourage you to register in whichever role you would like to when dancing in any contest.
General Eligibility
Each competition is open to all competitors in good standing who:
hold a full weekend pass;
register with any required fees paid by the official entry deadline(s) (see the event schedule);
complete any required entry forms, including signed waivers; and
meet all other specific entry requirements as outlined in these rules.
Appropriate Behavior & Dress Code
It is the desire of the Organizer to encourage expressive and exciting dance performances without sacrificing quality of dancing and good taste. To encourage this balance, any action the judges believe would make them uncomfortable in a social dance setting (such as wearing inappropriate attire or showing disrespect toward one’s partner, other dancers, or the event) is prohibited.
Props are not allowed.
Competitors should check with the Chief Judge in advance if they have questions regarding the acceptability of their competition attire.
General Competition Rules
This is a Swing Dance Competition. Swing is an American Rhythm Dance based on a foundation of 6-beat and 8-beat patterns that incorporate a wide variety of rhythms built on 2-beat single, delayed, double, triple, and blank rhythm units. The 6-beat patterns include, but are not limited to, passes, underarm turns, push breaks, open-to-closed, and closed-to-open position patterns. The 8-beat patterns include, but are not limited to, whips, swing-outs, Lindy circles, and Shag pivots. Although they are not part of the foundation of the dance as stated above, 2- beat and 4-beat extension rhythm breaks may be incorporated to extend a pattern, to phrase the music, and/or to accent breaks.
All divisions are gender-neutral.
All competitors must attend the mandatory role call 15 minutes prior to their division to be checked in by our marshaling team. No proxies allowed, though one member of a couple may check in if their partner is currently competing or occupied in a staff role. Once you have been checked in, you are expected to remain in line until you enter the floor for competition. If you are not present for follow up check-ins, you may be scratched.
A minimum number of 5 entries are required to run a division for full prize money to be awarded. If less than 5 entries are registered, the division may run, but the prizes may be adjusted.
All competitors (with the exception of those dancing as a “Pro” in a Pro/Am competition and all Invitational JNJ competitors) must wear their assigned bib number during all contests. Leaders must wear their bib numbers on the upper back section (between their shoulders) and Followers must wear their bib numbers on their lower back section (at approximately hip level).
All rules will be STRICTLY enforced and the decision of the Head Judge will be final.
Responsibilities of Competitors
Planning Ahead. Competitors should check the weekend schedule in advance in order to arrive in time to meet registration deadlines. They should bring appropriate competition attire. They should also plan ahead so as to be on time for all roll calls and competitions. Competitors are responsible for checking at the event for any changes to previously announced schedules, which are always subject to change.
Knowing the Rules. All competitors should read these rules carefully prior to attending the roll call for their competition. Competitors are responsible for adhering to these rules whether they have read them or not. Questions about the rules should be addressed in advance to the Event Directors or the Chief Judge, or at roll call at the event.
Being Prepared to Compete. Competitors should be present at roll call / check-in 15 minutes prior to the start of their competition. Competitors are responsible for their bib numbers. Any change in partnership for the couple’s competitions must be provided to the Contest Coordinators as soon as possible (and prior to check-in for the contest). Doing so may require an additional entry fee as well as a new entry form and waiver. Any cancellation by a competitor or couple will result in the loss of the entry fee.
Demonstrating Good Sportsmanship. Competitors must demonstrate fairness, honesty, and respect for other competitors, judges, staff members and attendees at all times - both on and off the competition floor. Competitors must also refrain from any behavior the judges deem inappropriate. Failure to adhere to this code of behavior may result in disqualification.
Division Rules
Points – Points listed in the World Swing Dance Council Competitors Registry.
WSDC – The World Swing Dance Council (www.swingdancecouncil.com).
Am or Amatuer – A newcomer, novice, intermediate, or advanced dancer, according to WSDC points, who does not receive compensation for teaching or regularly teach west coast swing.
Pro or Professional – A dancer of any level who receives compensation for teaching or regularly teaches west coast swing and dancers who compete in All Star or Champion divisions, according to their WSDC points.
Pro Am Strictly Swing
The ProAm Strictly Swing competition is intended to highlight amatuer dancers and their ability to create with a professional partner. This is not meant to be a choreographed routine but rather an opportunity to compete and perform with someone you have practiced with, are learning from, or have chosen to dance with.
Amateurs may enter only one skill level division (Newcomer/Novice or Intermediate/Advanced) and/or one age-based division (Masters), once per division, in each role.
Newcomer/Novice: You must qualify as a newcomer or novice level dancer, according to WSDC points. Amateurs with no WSDC points are also eligible to dance as a Newcomer/Novice. In addition, you must have never danced in a Non-Pro Intermediate or higher level category, in Classic, Showcase, or as a Pro in a Pro-Am.
Intermediate/Advanced: You must qualify as an intermediate or advanced level dancer, according to WSDC points. In addition, you must have never danced in a Non-Pro All Star or higher level category, in Classic, Showcase, or as a Pro in a Pro-Am.
Masters: You must be 50 years or older and qualify as an Amatuer, based on the above definition. You may enter a leveled ProAm as well.
Each professional shall have no more than 5 Amateurs in each Division Level. (5 Newcomer/Novice, 5 Intermediate/Advanced, and/or 5 Masters).
Couples will dance for approximately 90 seconds to music chosen by the DJ.
Costumes are not allowed; however, suitable matching or complementary outfits are acceptable
This division will be danced in heats.
Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break-aways, and recoveries.
Pre-choreographed routines are not allowed.
Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight support moves.
All-American Jack & Jill
Jack & Jill competitions are designed to highlight social dance skills in spontaneous swing dancing and the ability to dance well with a variety of partners.
Any event attendee may enter this division once in one role, leader or follower, regardless of their competitive level or experience.
Couples will be randomly paired across all entries and will remain partnered from prelims through finals. Some participants may dance with more than one partner, in the case of uneven registrations across roles. In this case, they may proceed to the next round, including finals, with one or more partners, based on the judges scores.
Competitors enter as individuals and are randomly assigned partners.
Couples will dance for approximately 90 seconds to at least 3 songs per heat in prelims and semi-finals, if necessary, to music chosen by the DJ.
Prelims, and semi-finals if necessary, for this division will be danced in heats.
Finals may either be danced in a heated format, semi-spotlight, or a spotlight format.
Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break-aways, and recoveries.
Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight support moves.
Invitational Jack & Jill
Jack & Jill competitions are designed to highlight social dance skills in spontaneous swing dancing and the ability to dance well with a variety of partners.
All invitational JNJ participants will be invited by the event directors. No one outside of those invited may register for this division.
Couples will be randomly paired and dance in a spotlight final format.
This division will be judged by audience vote via an online voting form which will open after all couples have danced.
Competitors enter as individuals, by invitation, and are randomly assigned partners.
Couples will dance in a spotlight format to music chosen by the DJ.
Dancers must maintain their own physical contact with the floor during partner weight support moves.
The Event Directors and staff will make every effort to conduct all competitions in accordance with these rules. However, the Organizers reserve the right to make any changes in schedule or format deemed necessary for any competition to ensure all competitions and contests are conducted in a fair, equitable and timely manner.
Code of Conduct
Westie Remix HD, WRHD, is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable event experience for everyone. Therefore, all attendees, instructors, staff, and volunteers at WRHD are required to comply with the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.
WRHD is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable event experience for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion (or lack thereof). We do not tolerate harassment in any form for any event, including dances, workshops, competitions, meals, Instagram, Facebook, and all other online media. Event participants violating these rules may be asked to leave the event without a refund at the discretion of the event organizers. We expect you to treat others with kindness and respect.
Call 911 immediately for emergencies
Please find an event organizer by requesting one at the front desk or the DJ booth
Please send an email to westieremixhd@gmail.com with the subject line Code of Conduct. Alternatively, you may submit an anonymous report through our feedback form, available on our website, westieremixhd.com, or via QR codes posted throughout the event venue.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to: offensive verbal comments or actions related to gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of workshops or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the event organizers will take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or immediate expulsion from the event with no refund.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact an event organizer or staff member immediately. Event organizers can be found by requesting one at the front desk or at the DJ booth. Additionally, please send an email to westieremixhd@gmail.com with the subject line "Code of Conduct" or fill out an anonymous feedback form to report the incident.
Event organizers are happy to help participants contact venue staff or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event. We value your attendance and your safety.
We attend dance events to connect with each other and share our love of dance. Dance is for everyone. Together, we must create a safe space for all. Please be respectful and be kind to everyone.
We expect participants to follow this Code of Conduct. If you are unable to comply to this policy, please stay home.
Photography & Videography
You may appear in photos or videos published on the Westie Remix HD website, Facebook page or Instagram page.
We ask that if you are taking photos or video, they should be of people that have given you permission to take their photo or take video of them.
When taking photos or videos, please do not stand in front of others. If you are along the edge of the dance floor you should be squatting or kneeling such that you are not obscuring patrons that are sitting or standing behind you.
If you do not adhere to these policies, the event organizers will take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or immediate expulsion from the event with no refund.
Vending & Selling of Goods & Services
If you have not signed a vending agreement, you may not offer goods or services for sale at Westie Remix HD.
If you do not adhere to these policies, the event organizers will take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or immediate expulsion from the event with no refund.
Should you wish to be a vendor at WRHD, please email us at westieremixhd@gmail.com, or message our page on Facebook or Instagram, for details and information on how to become a vendor.
Thank You!
We, the WRHD event directors, appreciate your adherence to this Code of Conduct.
This document was based on Atlanta Swing Classic’s Code of Conduct, found at https://atlantaswingclassic.com/policies.html. Feel free to use this, as-is or in a modified form, for your own dance event.